Posted by on Oct 16, 2019 | 12 comments







First I get comfortable…

Well, I just  have to share two  things with you today:
1. There will be spaces between my words that  are OUT OF MY CONTROL,  thank  you, Mr. Keyboard on my Mac Pro!!!  Lots of  complaints about this glitch and Apple is actually replacing computers with the  problem, but mama hasn’t pleaded my case yet.  She will because it’s  driving me BATTY, haha.

2.  I’m not  one  to toot my  own horn, but when I watch TV with mama and papa, I  usually go to  sleep (especially in  soccer  matches)  and as I go to  sleep, mama and papa  love watching the  poses and snap lots  of pics during this process,  who knows why?  So I’m just showing you the start and finish of  how I zonk out.

I stretch out, put  my feet  up and then  settle into permanent zonk position.























(Oh, I forgot about sneaking a peek  to make sure THEY are watching, haha…)








And end up totally comfortable and down for  the count…er…not  a soccer term,  but what the heck.

PS These are papa’s cool pics.