Posted by on Dec 9, 2019 | 16 comments

You left out WHAT? Bad mama…

Well, mama was writing an article about  how when someone asks for a recipe, the person with the recipe sometimes forgets one teeny ingredient that makes or breaks the whole shebang!  Mama’s mama was guilty of that–everyone wanted her stuffing (dressing in Texas) recipe and she always left out one little thing…

Bad grandma!

BUT, the ingredient was toasted chili powder, so maybe she was being thoughtful about those who don’t like spicy things…hmmm…but mama doesn’t think so, haha.

And mama just had a wonderful stew and tried to get the recipe from the cook and he gave it but mama just knew there was something missing and asked again and again and finally found out that it wasn’t just made with beef, it was made with BEEF CHEEKS!

As if mama kept those around the house just  in case, haha.








I think mama pretty much gave the whole recipe for anything  to  her students and friends, but there is one little thing in clam sauce that she wavers about, wanting it to be unlike all the others.








Maybe she’ll whisper it to me one day….