Posted by on Mar 1, 2020 | 14 comments








Well, I have to say that a brilliant, sunny, sweet Sunday around here is just about the best day of the week.  Do you love Sundays, too?

I stretch and yawn and when mama and papa take a nap, I find my warm, snuggly place on the bed and contemplate the afternoon (and future PIZZA, haha).

All’s right with the world, at least for a few hours on Sundays… and with all that is happening around the bad virus, a few hours of relaxation are pretty welcome.

We musn’t panic, but stay aware, and as mama says, run like hell if someone is coughing or sneezing.  Hey, we do that anyway in winter.

I’m not sure I have ever sneezed, whatever that  is.

So don’t worry about snuggling me.  I’m ready.

Especially on Sunday.