Posted by on Mar 13, 2020 | 8 comments


To go out or not to go out – that is the question.

Well, this is our new laundry mode:










Mama is washing all fruits and veggies from our little market nearby, in soap and water for 20 seconds.  I’m just afraid she  might put ME in there, haha.

But of course, I bathe regularly, unlike some tomatoes and apples I know, but hey, we can’t all be next to godliness, right?

And mama and papa are staying really close to  home.

As in, AT home.

Maybe it’s overkill and they often tell me that they feel pretty silly sometimes with this self-quarantine stuff, but you know what?  If Italy had done it and if other countries would just DO it, this thing might level out.  You can only get this virus from others and their sneezes and coughs and touching things someone has sneezed or coughed on, so why not put yourself elsewhere and try to sit this out?

Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it’s scary, and yes, it can get pretty depressing, and yet, it just may be a small price to pay to conquer this thing.

As for me, I’m not goin’ out there!










Well, maybe a quick stroll in the garden, but that’s it!  

And I’m staying’ 10 feet away from those  birdies!