Posted by on Mar 17, 2020 | 14 comments










Just trying to think up some new activity…

Well, France is now closed down, thank heaven.  Better late than never.

But it is so important to STAY HOME because you do NOT know who has the coronavirus and can infect you and others.  It is called “stealth” infection, and much of the Chinese problem was attributed to thousands who had no idea that they were carrying the virus and as a result, contagious.

And yes, our lives as we stay at home will be changed daily, sometimes interestingly, sometimes not, but this kitty is curiously watching mama and papa turning into Boy and Girl Scouts right before my eyes.

They’ll probably be rubbing sticks together pretty soon…

But please try to stay home.

Read, write, draw even if you can’t (!), cook, sing, organize your closets (mama is tearing into ours with glee), mend clothes, figure out what you can live without  (just not kibble, mama!), garden, get rest, drink lots of water, and know that none of us is finding this easy.

It’s hard, it’s more than hard, it’s sad and scary and emotionally upsetting, especially if you are alone, but contact your friends and family, talk to those you haven’t seen in awhile, keep your and their spirits up, because we are all in this together  and only we can stop it it by not spreading it around. This link has an info newsletter, 24/7.

You know, some wonderful things just might come of these new connections,  these changes in routine.  Maybe we will all become more tolerant, less demanding of one another, less judgmental.  (Hey, so we’ll  all get skinny!)

I repeat, call up your friends, because they, too, are going through the same uncertainties,  the same apprehensions, the same worries.

A pandemic has no friends. You do.

Hey, was that my cell?


If you missed  hearing  this beautiful song, here it is again.