Posted by on Mar 23, 2020 | 12 comments








I’m a little distressed at this world problem right now.  But I’ll snap out of it soon…

Meanwhile, mama says to tell you that if you have cooking questions or need advice on easy things to Eat In Isolation, she’s happy to help.  Or maybe how to substitute something else for things you can’t  get.  She tells how to make focaccia on Instagram.

We are thinking about all of you out there who are stunned by this pandemic and whose lives have changed drastically.  But remember to LAUGH, because that helps enormously.

A bit off-color but did you hear the one about the nun and the blind man?

A nun is in the bathtub and the doorbell rings and she says Who’s there and the man says It’s the blind man and  so she thinks Well, okay, that’s all right and so she tells him to come in and he says Wow, nice boobs and where should I put the blinds?

Okay, okay, I just had to put in a laugh and it really should have been done with a British accent.

Until  tomorrow’s laugh…

Even that did not work on me.








Uh, oh, the sweet sound of  kibble….I’M FINE NOW!