Posted by on Mar 28, 2020 | 10 comments










Loulou, you are becoming one indulged kitty!

Well, today mama put on a CD of Edith Piaf and opened all the windows but we only face the hills and some donkeys so they were the only ones to benefit from  her beautiful voice!

And then, mama opened a gmail and there was this.

Which cracked us all up!

Maybe we should get a parrot.  I think I could be good friends with that one.

Sing duets?

You know, maybe it’s just time for really good laughs and beautiful videos and lovely voices from balconies everywhere, and that’s just about all we can do right now.

Share funnies, share beautifuls, as I mentioned yesterday and know that all of us are together in this and that we are discovering all sorts of new ways to deal with so many things.  We would love to hear how you are coping and maybe give us and others some good solutions to these new problems of isolation.







Of course I am spoiled rotten.  These guys have not been home like this, well, EVER!  But I think snuggles actually make one a better person…er…kitty.

STAY PUT, OKAY?  We’ll try to spoil you, too, with fun things to watch!

Virtual hugs from all of us here.🌺🌼🌻🌸🌹