Posted by on Jul 12, 2020 | 14 comments







Uh, the camera  adds pounds,  right?  Plus I’m on my BACK.

Okay, okay, mama has been searching for  how many Kcals are in 100 grams of kitty food, specifically Royal Canine (!) for cats Light Weight, and she cannot find a thing anywhere.  Not even her Guru Google seems to know or doesn’t wish to say.

What we DO know is that my kibble is 40% protein,  which is  good.

What we DON’T know is what a 15-pound Tuxie kitty (uh…me) must have twice a day, wet and dry (including small treats) to lose about a pound or so and  be more active and feel better, etc etc etc…

The truth is, mama is very careful about weighing my food and from a 100-gram pouch of Felix Sensations chicken, she gives me only 65g.  Then I get 15g of light kibble.  Twice a day.  But some Tuxies are large and some are  small, a Maine Coon can weigh in at 20 pounds and be healthy.  Does anyone know what I should weigh? Mama is calling  the vet tomorrow because we couldn’t speak at the last once-over.

Meanwhile, try to guess which hamburger is mine…