Posted by on Jul 27, 2020 | 10 comments










Contemplating my new sea creature…

Well, on a scale, haha, of 1 to 10, whatever that means, I think my new fish toy is an 11 or 12!  Mama got this creature in the mail (finally), plugged it in and then waited.  Nada, zilch, it sat there staring at me with its fishy eye.


Papa showed me that this fishy needs a jolt to start it off and then it flips and flops all over the place, just like the real ones, I think.  Who knows – have I ever seen a live fish? In my dreams… So I watched for awhile and it stopped its flop.

LIGHTBULB OVER HEAD:  I pushed it with my paw (after a fairly long interim, mama says) and voilá…that little sucker started jumping and jiving and took up a whole 5 minutes of my play time with its antics.










You might have surmised by now that I am NOT a big player, but I’m in a twitter over this critter.  So don’t take my trout or I’ll start to pout, and leave off my tuna or I’ll howl at the moon-a, and take your paws off my mackerel or….

Fugettaboutit…I’ll leave that one to YOU to figure out, haha.

LOVE my little swimmer, but now it’s time for dinner…










Mama, do I have to quit?  Darn…

Maybe he’ll sleep with me.  Wait a minute—do fish SLEEP?

PS Mama tried to take a video but naturally I stopped being charming and fish-friendly the minute she aimed that cell phone at me, whatever that is.  Maybe tomorrow I can show you just exactly how to treat that fish in your future!