Posted by on Jul 30, 2020 | 16 comments








Haha, bet you thought this was about a dog!

Well, actually, I’m only a little sad about the incredible melons mama has put right under my nose.  I actually licked a little bit and wow!  But mama says that they are not really kitty food.  The Cavaillon melons come from up the road in Provence and really run rings around most melons, whatever running rings means.  Have to look that one up…










Still, when I see that thin-slice ham next to them, am I not going to drool?  Or maybe a bit of smoked salmon, eh?  Or better still, a little mozzarella next to the ham/prosciutto.

Well, I feel strongly that I should take over the meal-planning around here.

We’re all supposed to share duties, right?

Maybe I’ll just submit menus to mama to help her out and she can do the easy part – shopping.

The hard part is thinking  up balanced meals for every day of the week!

How about these for tasty repas?

Monday:  Cold tuna salad with Balsamic vinaigrette

Tuesday: Cold salmon with caper mayonnaise

Wednesday: Cold chicken salad with curried  mayonnaise

Thursday:  Cold mackerel salad with horseradish mayonnaise

Friday: Cold shrimp salad with remoulade

Saturday: Cold lobster salad with chiffonade de basilique


You know, I have no idea what some of these “with”s are, but what the heck. Mama can figure  that out, they’re in HER cookbook after all!

A bientôt  – have to fire up the grill for mama’s vegetables, but wait a minute, I spotted a little hidden fat sausage to grill for papa!










Squash from our community garden and Spanish sweet onions.

Guess I’ll leave the grill for later and go cuddle up to papa, heh heh.

I  think he’s getting the picture…