Posted by on Aug 16, 2020 | 16 comments








Zilch, nada, rien, niente, nothing HAPPENED!

Well, that was much ado about nothing, and I’m sorry if I led you astray.  You all were so kind to offer comments on and consolation for the never-materialized FIREWORKS!

I’m pretty sure it was the mask/distancing/no-crowds rules that changed the program, and frankly, I was really relieved to have the village semi-quiet all evening.

I confess that my nerves were shot just anticipating all that racket for THIRTY MINUTES, especially those whistling-shooting-explode-in-the-air-bursts.

And these pop and crackle celebrations were always very long affairs, but they are definitely on hold for the present, YAY!

So I did what every kitty (and some anthros I could name) does/do when life takes a calm and peaceful turn.

I took a nice, relaxing, warm, paw-lickin’ bath.







I licked…







…and licked…







…and licked some more…







…and then passed out.  My kind of evening.