Posted by on Sep 11, 2020 | 10 comments








I look as if I’m out cold, but the smell of those cookies woke me up, you can bet your boopy!

Well, when the goin’ gets tough, the tough get cookin’, haha.

Mama’s sisinlaw (new word, easier to write) mentioned a breakfast cookie that mama tried out a few days ago and now all of us are addicted,  It is the traditional cookie of Australia, called Anzac, and we’re going to put in the recipe because mama cut the sugar quite a lot as they were way too sweet for all of us.

So stir some up and let us know how they turned out!

I use the word “us” figuratively…I got a little lick of butter off mama’s finger.  Big deal, eh?

But they do smell incredibly good, even to a kitty.  And mama says to  mention that they are…er…efficacious, whatever that means.  She says you’ll figure that one out on your own, haha.

Petit dejeuner Anzac biscuits

Heat the oven to 350F/180C.

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup flour

3/4 cup desiccated coconut, unsweetened

1/2 cup brown or white sugar, minus a couple of spoons if you like less sweetness

4 tablespoons melted butter

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Couple  of pinches of salt

Tablespoon of honey or  maple syrup

3-4 tablespoons boiling water

In a mixing bowl, mix all ingredients and knead with floured hands until the mixture holds well together.  This can take a few minutes.

Grease a cookie sheet with light butter.   Form little 1-inch balls (or bigger, if you want bigger cookies) and flatten with the bottom of a glass dipped in water.  Or simply use your palms, dampened so that the dough doesn’t stick.

Bake until brown and crispy.

Mama says these are addicting so be careful, haha.

Hey, at least I got my little butter lick….