Posted by on Nov 1, 2020 | 15 comments








Hey, mama,  are those things going to stop falling or  WHAT?  And WHEN?  Papa has his work cut out for him, but I wish he’d rake them off my snooze bed!










Well, more info on the strawberry tree.  I guess I have to write about it as it has taken over our patio, our gravel path, my snoozing place (!) and mama’s kitchen as she makes jam from the grainy fruit.

I have to admit, it’s pretty good, sort of lemony, mama says, but then again, I have only licked a finger.  And my only sweets are fruit, if that!  Every now and then papa leaves a Magnum stick, completely EMPTY I might add, except for a smidgeon of chocolate in the middle, and he is  kind enough to leave it casually on the plate near me as I lounge on my couch.  Boy, they are generous around here, haha.

But I wish nama would rake up those strawberries and get then OUT of my personal napping area!

And for those of you youngsters (like me) who may not be acquainted with the title of this blog, mama says it’s what anthros used to say about something very good or extraordinary.

So maybe mama and papa think that I’m the berries, haha.

Oh, by the way, this is what I/we carved for Halloween out of a butternut squash someone gave us.  Papa said it was a great idea so that now he doesn’t have to eat it for a week!