Posted by on Dec 12, 2020 | 20 comments








I’m a little melancholy over holidays this year…are you?

Well, actually it wouldn’t be such a crowd, if we could find one 🎄 that is!  Because this year is so very different and strange. We’re not seeing my stepbrother and stepsister and their kids and so many other friends everywhere, so we are having a pretty laid-back holiday but with a really sweet little “tree” that Mya’s mama and papa gave us two years ago.  Its electric!

We forgot to take it with us to Rome in 2018, THANK HEAVEN, or we would be having a big pot of nasturtiums instead, and it is really hard to hang ornaments and lights on a nasturtium, haha.

So is this cute, or what?

And some lovely cards are coming in, which lifts our spirits A LOT!  Merci to all…