Posted by on Jan 27, 2021 | 18 comments







I had better not hear complaints about MEOWS, you get my drift?

Well, you know those cock-a-doodle-doos and cicada hummings and early morning peepings of spring birdies and hair-raising hee-haws of donkeys and rigget-rigget croaks of pond frogs?  You know those sounds, right?


And now those city slickers who moved to the country during Covid-19 or who just decided to change their lives from the hustle bustle of metropolitan life to the sweet calm of the country will have to think twice about complaints to their neighbors (who were there LONG before the slickers came in) about any “disturbing” noises they feel should be squelched.

Love the French.  And what is country life without a baah or a bray or a neigh or a squeak or a bark or a hiss or a cackle or a hoot or a nice welcome-to-the-morning crowing, I ask you?

Janine Marsh, who writes France, The Good Life, has made us see and feel the sweetness of barnyard birds…

And that awful resident who did such a bad deed should have been tarred and feathered with the poor rooster, that’s how WE feel!

And to think some dodo would complain about THESE guys!







There are all kinds of asses in the barnyard….