Posted by on Jun 1, 2021 | 20 comments








Does this mean I have to learn Tosca? Oy, vay…

Well, Mya’s maman and papa sent us the most amazing videos of lovely parrots who have…er…found their voices, so to speak, haha.  Love this opera singer.

Another (there are so many on YouTube) is the most articulate feathered friend we have ever heard, thanks to his family who encourages him to talk.  Just delightful.

The other interesting chatterer is courtesy of the Knoxville Zoo.

Our question is, how do you train a parrot or cockatoo or any bird to speak so well?

Papa once stopped in restaurant and mama and her stepdaughter went into the ladies room (whatever that is) and papa waited down the hall next to the cage of a Myna bird.  He said “Hello Nicole” about three timees and then mama and Nicole came out to join him.

As they passed the Myna, it said “Hello, Nicole” and Nicole almost fainted!  So clearly they are fast on the mimic!

Love these birds!  Probably why we get along so well in the garden, haha.

I keep waiting for them to say “Hi, Loulou, here’s your kibble”.










Hey, you guys, let’s get DOWN! How about Rockin’ Robin?