Posted by on Jun 2, 2021 | 19 comments










I’m resting here after this trauma.  Mama’s machine almost sucked up my jellybeans!

Oh, boy, mama needs help, I’m sure.  That weird machine that sucks up my precious (tiny) hairs from under beds and such is the same machine that ATE MY PURPLE MOUSE! Didn’t she SEE it?  I know she FELT it because I heard mama say, “OH, NO, LOULOU” and then she went silent.

I said to mama, Mama, watch out for those little animals when you run that thing over MY rug, there are toys there and they are not that big…WATCH OUT!  And slurp…there it went…sucked right up and swallowed by that THING!

I have to say, mama had the presence of mind to STOP that thing and check the dust bag, and bammo, there it was, disheveled a bit (whatever that means), but not the worse for wear.  Poor little mouse…










BRAVO, mama. He’s recovering slowly. But frankly, I was stunned.

Good idea to check the bag.  But I needed comfort after that event.  I tell you, it was traumatic, whatever that means.








I think I’m in a post-traumatic syndrome state.