Posted by on Jun 6, 2021 | 16 comments











Well, do you ever have one of those days on which nothing works, the tech stuff is on the blink, the book that papa wanted from Kindle went somewhere into the ethers and didn’t appear on his Kindle, the neighbor showed us where our garden might be leaking into the corner of his and thought he might have to grow watercress, haha, my kitty food turned out to be gravy food, not firm food, and gravy is not my preference for my cuisine (!), there was only one mozzarella for our Sunday night pizza and so I did not get my little morsel I get when there are two, and the problems took up so much time that mama and papa had to forego their exercise that they like to do to keep healthy, oh, and mama’s baby seedling eggplants 🍆 are pathetic and she’s not sure at all of the kind of tomatoes she’s growing and so has to wait three months to see if they are the ones that are resistant to black spot and fusarium wilt and I guess she’ll know that when they either pop out fat, juicy tomatoes 🍅 or all their leaves fall off.

It was that kind of Sunday.

BUT…I reminded mama that we have a large piece of beautiful 😻 Spanish manchego cheese that I know will go very well on pizza, from my experience, and mama can actually share that tiny mozzarella with ME!!!


🍕 🍕 🍕