Posted by on Jun 8, 2021 | 17 comments










Me, praying…

Haha, that’s a good one.  Adobe Photoshop Elements, I mean, and we are tearing down prohibitive walls of a previous, messed up app and starting to work with a new one, which means MAMA WILL BE ABLE TO FIND MY PHOTOS!!!

Of me, that is.

Okay, okay, a couple or three of papa and mama but really folks, who’s the blogger here, I ask you?  A guru up the street is sorting it all out.

I think.

I hope.

I pray.

We seem to be on the same page, whatever that means.  But, hey, wait a minute, there’s no room for him on my page!!! Too crowded, if you ask me.

But of course, no one did.

Cross your fingers for my albums getting sorted out and functioning and accessible.

After…er…5 years!  Hey, maybe I can use those old pics and you’ll think I’m younger, haha.

Oy, I have to rest, my brain is addled.  Whatever that means. I’m seeing weird things because of this stress!  MAMA, is this a ghost?