Posted by on Jul 17, 2021 | 16 comments








Oh, boy, mama really did a number on Amazon.  She was probably worried about the fact that she had forgotten to order my food from the supermarket where one can go pick up everything outside, and when THEY got home and unloaded the bags, guess what?  Wasn’t IN them?


Lordy, lordy, you’d think I would be the FIRST ORDER ON THE LIST FOR QUEEN KITTY!

Haha, but get this:  here’s the photo below of what mama oops-ed with when her guilt made her order my food to arrive in two days from Ms Amazon.

Before I starved to death, I might add.

But I am really happy to see that one box is already MISSING…meaning it’s on the way to my BOWL. I think.

Oh, mama, I wish you’d make more mistakes like this one.  Maybe we could take a box to those feral kitties in the village.  Wait a minute!  They live right next door to a wonderful fish restaurant!!!

Maybe we could do a trade…I could go for a grilled sardine or two and I’m sure they would LOVE my Felix food (even if I do only get 3/4 of a pack on my D-I-E-T).

Mama, could we move near a fish resto?
I promise I won’t order chips or dessert 🍮!