Posted by on Jul 29, 2022 | 18 comments

I look challenged, right?
These were challenging fill-ins, wow!  But here goes:
1, I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard than _see children throwing tantrums and no supervision. I’m with Ellen on this one!
2. The best part of _being a kitty is _HEY, BEING A KITTY!!!
3. I wouldn’t mind if _the orange-hair idiot and the horrendous hateful “putain”_ disappeared.
4. If I could create one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, it would be _back with Ellen on this one, too. That everyone would be kind and thoughtful to one another and help one another through the sometimes difficulties of life and that Republicans and Democrats would work together to better our COMMUNAL world or we will not progress at all!
…as we kitties and doggies do.