Posted by on Jan 9, 2023 | 17 comments


That amazing anthro was really onto something! And he LOVED HIS CATS. His passion for problem-solving extended to his pets, too. A widely shared anecdote tells how he found a typically left-field solution to a seemingly simple problem: his two cats’ constant requests to be let in and out of his study. He is said to have cut two cat shaped holes – one little and one large – so each cat could come and go unimpeded by the other.

Well, we liked this thought from Albert Einstein for our spark:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

That seems so logical to me, for if I created a problem for myself and there appears to be no solution, it’s probably because mama unplugged the TV by tripping over the cord and is now yelling, “LOULOU, our TV doesn’t work – what did you DO?”

Creative thinking, that’s what we need around here.

But seriously, folks, how many times have you ranted and raved about something not working and it’s just not plugged in, haha.

We also love another quote from Mr E:

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Of course, my most imaginative discoveries are when I am doing sleep yoga…

I dreamed that my bowl was empty. What to do, what to do?. Can’t reach the kibble, can’t open my wet food.

AHA! A little squiggly sidle-up to the chef, a seductive paw-lick, and a few kitty kisses ALWAYS does the trick…