Posted by on Jan 12, 2023 | 19 comments

Mama, you can put me down, okay? I need the exercise!

Well, thanks again to Ms Ellen, guru to gods and mortals, for making us aware of vitamin B12 to improve the back legs of kitties with diabetic weakness, and with crossed paws I report that not only do I walk more easily but I actually walk DOWNSTAIRS and occasionally start to walk UPSTAIRS but have not abandaned my Private Elevator, who, I must admit, gets me upstairs a bit faster than my back legs, haha.

Thank you, everyone who has given advice for my troubles.

Let’s leave all this tedious medical stuff at the river and move on to other thanks.

As mama’s mama advised her, in her many words of wisdom, don’t talk about your ailments too much and they’ll get better…

Well, we know that good stuff can be discussed ad nauseum, right? Whatever that means. I thought a nauseum was a place where terrible works of art were displayed, but I could be wrong.

Thanks for spring things popping up in gardens, when they shouldn’t be doing that yet! And for anthros feeling a bit more positive in 2023 about lots of things. We can go into that later. And thanks for any kitties getting better. I hope there are many.

Today, I thank B12 and am gathering my future thanks for when I reach the top of the stairs.

(Uh…but papa is SO good at elevation, plus I love the attention…what’s not to like?)