Posted by on May 22, 2023 | 22 comments


Well, mama wrote me that her beloved Rome has changed in places she thought would be the same forever. (Mistake No. 1, mama.)

But of course Rome is always Rome, full of incredible beauty, even if overrun by tourists, long lines outside little places to get a Sunday night pizza, the pizza itself often mediocre as many places now use commercial dough (yuk), more trash in the streets than before (tourists), and the weather for the whole month of May predicted to be mostly WET.

Still, I really loved this spark that I hope jolts mama and papa out of their wistful mode:

Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. Will Rogers

Good advice, and you two are pretty good at looking around you and seeing the sweet Rome of your early days just waiting for you to embrace it.

For example…

Sometimes the past just needs a tune-up, mama, and think of the fun you’ll have figuring THAT one out, haha!

And speaking of that, Papa went out today to get new shock absorbers on our car.

Maybe mama and papa need to have those installed, too, haha.

Still, I really want THEM to have good times with the family, even if I  wish THEY were back here to snuggle me after this long hiatus, whatever that is…sigh.

Remember me, papa?