Posted by on Jun 12, 2023 | 20 comments


As you can see, I am totally blasé about this homecoming but I do feel that these sparks are appropriate:

Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” “One minute of patience, ten years of peace.” “With love and patience, nothing is impossible.” “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

And mama and papa magically appear!

Well, at least THEY are HERE, so let’s give a CHEER!!!

I’ll stop here. I think my patience was wearing a bit thin, but just in time, THEY strolled through the door and papa came over at once to rub my head and mama waited a few moments to let me take in that she was actually HERE and then mama rubbed my head and said all those silly things anthros say to us kitties, haha, but you will see from the photos that I was rather glad to have THEM back!


You see, la de dah, I am so blah!

But I know you actually see right through me, right?

WELCOME BACK, MAMA AND PAPA! And by the way, where’s the mozzarella?