Posted by on Jan 7, 2024 | 18 comments

I am posing for ONE second for this selfie, mama, because I have other chores to do this morning! Take it quickly, and I mean FAST.

Okay, it’s a stretch, self-life, but when we do our selfies on Sunday we are giving ourselves self-life, non?

Mon dieu, to think up a word that goes with Selfie or Wordless or other names for the days of the week blogs…WHEW! Our work is cut out for us kitties, you can bet your boopy, whatever that is.

Today we have winds of 65 kph, which is a lot of blowing if you ask me. So mama and papa are not going to the open market, which means I don’t get a little taste of that roast chicken they often bring home….mince!

But as I said, I have other fish to fry, to to speak. As in being completely in a sun piddle for a long, long time.  NOT A PIDDLE, mama, a PUDDLE.  Jeez, Louise, my typist is around the bend, wherever that is…probably hanging out with the boopy…

And I guess, if we’re starting a spark today for tomorrow, just for fun, thank you, Teddy, my spark is: always try to look for sun puddles, even in the rain.