Posted by on Jun 21, 2024 | 26 comments

Keeping an eye on all the garden birdies while THEY were on the way home…somebody has to do it. Those birdies think this is their exclusive restaurant! 
“Table for two, Loulou.”
Well, I think mama had better fill these first ones in:
1. My preferred method of procrastination is __telling myself that all will work out with time so kick it (whatever it is) down the road, haha.
2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to __cleaning up my atelier or office.
Now it’s my turn:
3. My goal of __being the guardian of our garden__ is going really well!
Mama again:
4. If I opened a __seafood shop shop (with music in the background), I would name it __Always In Tuna

How dumb can one get, mama?

But “dumb” around here means having FUN! The dumber the better.