Posted by on Jul 11, 2024 | 24 comments

Leaping for joy!

Well, today we are very grateful that…make that “I”…am grateful for 16 years with mama and papa before, well, you know.

Great years and I know they were grateful for me, for sure and now for sweet memories.

Mama and papa are glad that their grandkids are all well and one graduating from high school and off to college in the fall and one starting a business and another working with animal protection and another a travel agent (that’s a GOOD ONE, especially for his mama who goes everywhere you can imagine whenever possible) and one working in an art gallery and one still in high school doing wonderful sculptures and learning…WHAT? GREEK? Lordy lordy….

We are always grateful for others’ healthy animal and anthro family members and grateful that their mamas and papas can find good medical help when needed.

And, as always, we are so, so happy to know, and thankful for, all of you and hope you are not sweltering yet!

I’m keeping cool as usual on my lovely mulch.