That’s mama standing ON her own shadow–she’s waving goodbye to me after ABANDONING me for her walk…
Oh, I wish I could go out on mama’s walks with her, trotting by her side just like one of those no good bum Jack Russells (mama actually LOVES JRs but I have to malign them because…well…I’m a kitty and have good manners and don’t run around in circles yapping at everything that even resembles a mole or a rat or whatever!) and if I could go with her I’d help her gather wild fennel seeds for her recipes and then I’d pick a few blackberries because you really need lots of hands to get enough berries to really enjoy a big bowl of them, and then I’ll climb up the fig tree and chew off a few figs at the stems and let them drop in to mama’s waiting sacs (even if they do get a bit mushy) and then I’d climb down and figure we had done a good day’s harvest in the wild.
Blackberries, just starting to get ripe!
But alas.
I am not trained to heel or fetch or stay with my master as we walk and so I sit home and dream while mama gathers her wonderful wild edibles, but one day soon, maybe she’ll jut tuck me in her basket and see if I’ll stay there for a few minutes and that might work.
But I don’t think so.
The beginnings of vino!!!
Still, the beginnings of summer are beautiful and with them comes much anticipation of all the lovely things we’ll be enjoying in August or September when everything is REALLY ripe for the picking.
Wild carrots. Those no-good donkeys LOVE these…
Until then, I’ll keep knocking San Marzanos off their stems and myowing for mama to come pick them up and make pasta sauce. That, I can do, and then I get a little kibble thank-you for my endeavors.
These will be yellow and soft and like candy by August…
A completely useless kitty I am NOT, unlike those JRs that make you wonder just what they do to help in the garden except dig BIG holes just where you don’t want them and I won’t even get into where they….well, you know how dogs are…where they…er. Let’s forget about that…
I hope your summers everywhere are full of blackberries and figs!!!
I’m going out to meet mama when she come back.