Posted by on Sep 29, 2024 | 0 comments

This is my relaxing mode a few years ago after that TERRIBLE LONG CAR TRIP that was not easy to forget…note traumatic eyeballs!

Well, this time, mama and papa are now safe and sound after long traffic delays on the autoroute, but at least NO rain on the trip to Roma. And I could follow above them easily, floating along to make sure all was well…


I used to go with them but oh, yukky yuk, not any longer, thank heaven, haha.

Mama was driving once a few years ago when I suddenly had to…uh…reguritate (and more–being carsick is the PITS) and so I thought I’d show you just where this HORREUR happened!

Since I used to sit in back of papa, mama was afraid I would throw up on his neck…but papa quickly pulled over!

TOO LATE! I won’t go into details, dear readers, but I am sure you know how kitties…uh…lose their lunches….On a happier note, whenever we arrived in that other place, I took over the house within seconds and all was forgiven.

Sort of.