Posted by on Oct 11, 2024 | 0 comments

Just stretching after doing one of TWO blogs today! Taking a breather…now off to the second one…

Well, mama was home too late to help me do my thanks, and there was that soccer match between Italy and Belgium…jeez, Louise, am I really just an afterthought?

Actually mama had an ear ache, something she hadn’t had for…uh…LOTS of years.

Over now, and I am very thankful for that. They are not fun, even I know that. And thankful for all the hops that bloggers offer to get us together, and thankful that mama’s ballot arrived!!! That is one big thanks!

And thanks that all kitties having…uh…that thing the vet does to make them healthier…uh…population control thingy…are safe and healing well.

I’ll be filling in later with the rest of the duet…and thanks to all for reading my wandering thoughts from an ethereal world.

A crazy world, if you ask me, but no one did…