Posted by on Oct 22, 2024 | 2 comments

I can’t help it. I am more than worried.

I have to put in this link and this link.

If I lose you, I will be more than sad, mama and papa and I will mourn.

But mourning will be universal if Trump pulls off his charade. I feel that many have no idea how their lives will change. And it will not be for the better. He is also coming unhinged mentally.

And his running mate is even worse but oh, so good at making his lies sound like truth. Amazing. I believe it a person like that is called a sociopath.

And women, you and your daughters had better get used to staying pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen…

Let’s hope that none of you or your friends or family members have ever crossed him or belong to organizations he deems dangerous and so dismantles them, or decides that the army should be used to keep citizens from speaking their minds or protesting freely.

If you or any member of your family or someone you know or even don’t know is a member of the civil service and does not agree with his policies, you will be replaced.

More than 20,000,000 Americans work for a government agency of some kind. One in seven, many with families, who will be affected by this purge.

He has threatened to use the military against civilians who do not agree with him. Can you imagine that?

We have a madman running for  PRESIDENT!

In the USA.

The United States of America.

Please read the FACTS.

The similarities to Hitler are too real. His “deep state” is anyone, anyone who does not agree with his policies.

His only policy is to destroy his enemies.

And that could be you.

Tomorrow I’ll be wordless. I promise.

Thank you, Ann Adamus, for helping to keep us sane and on the right path.