Posted by on Oct 7, 2014 | 4 comments


Well, mama sent me this note from her trip:

Dear Loulou,

(That’s me).

Papa and I have been prodded and poked and stuck and polished and now we are both almost as good as new…well, not quite.

But I just wanted to say that if you could urge your readers to get their flu shots, as we did, it might help a bit when the season hits.  We waltzed blithely into the doc’s office (I made a joke about getting our docs in a row but no one seemed to get it…oh, well) and got our every-five-years pneumonia vaccine and the seasonal flu shot and we tripped gaily out and promptly felt sleepy and snoozy and our arms were not quite what they had been when we went in.  But that just means that we NEEDED those shots and so we’re happy to have done it.

In fact, I think it’s about time for your annual check-up, Loulou, so get ready to visit that nice lady in the little town next to you.  I know how you love going to see her, so we’ll make sure you get there when we return.

Oh, boy, I think I’m revisiting my thoughts on having mama and papa get back here quickly…

But I do miss them.

Just not the veterinarian!!!



Let anthros get stuck, but NOT ME.