That is NOT mama out there in the water! But looks like fun…
Well, we’re not doing any site-seeing today, that’s for sure. All these visitors here and people to see and things to discover and places to eat and what do we get—?
I know this may or may not offend my readers, but mama buys this really funny book for little anthros called “Great Lies to Tell Small Kids” by Andy Riley, who is a hoot and a half and mama reads it to me when I’m in a dull mood and I just laugh and laugh and feel better already.
Of course, she doesn’t let the wrong kids read it—they have to be of an age to really know that it’s all in fun, but one of the lies is that “rain is God’s pee-pee” and since mama doesn’t really think much about scandalizing some people, she describes the book with that particular example. There are more just as funny, but today when it rained and rained and rained and I hid under the couch when the thunder started, I just thought to myself that rain is okay if that is what it is, and I slept better.
Then, to really snap me awake, the perfume of a WHITE TRUFFLE came wafting out of the kitchen and boy, I was there in a New York nano-second. Maybe you don’t know this but the smell of a white truffle is a lot like methol mercaptan, which is a constituent of skunk odor. What all this means is, well, who knows what it means and why do we have all this trivia in our brains in the first place? But the smell of a white truffle in the house sort of perked me up and so mama is NOT going out in the rain tomorrow but instead making eggplant with rosemary, honey and salt and eggs in tegamino (en cocotte, in a baking dish) over which to shave the tartuffo and that alone pretty much cheered us all up here, wet as we are.
The little book, by the way, is really funny, not offensive. If you wish to take a look, here’s the link.
I wish he would write one for little kitties.
Maybe things like “kitty kibble is actually ground up pit bull” or “cat’s claws are actually genetically superior IPad pointers” or whatever…
You should see me text…