Posted by on Dec 1, 2014 | 4 comments


Things grow everywhere all over our magic city.


Prosciutti curing in a food shop window.


Marzipan fruits in a Sicilian bakery.


A violin maker called a liutaio, originally a “maker of lutes”.


The inside of the violin shop.


A little deer head on the top of a small church in the piazza sant’ Eustachio


Cavolo nero, a Roman cabbage, ready to cook in olive oil and garlic.


One of our neighborhood’s first Christmas trees….oh, boy, and it’s only December first!

Mama doesn’t put ours up until maybe next week or even later but I’ll be sure to put in a photo when it happens.  I play with the ornaments and find out that they are attached tightly just for me!  But I still try to bat them around. Gotta get in the mood, right?

Pouring rain, and those loud rumbles are happening, which is why I am NOT writing that much just now.  Hard to write from under the bed….


I’ll come out later…maybe.