Posted by on Jan 12, 2015 | 0 comments


WOW–Thank you Jan, at Jan’s Funny Farm, who sent mama some easy instructions on how to use Picasa and here I am in psychedelic splendour!


(And here’s another one–sort of Japanese, no? )

Sometimes, this is exactly how I feel when sleeping, because I have pretty weird dreams and this fits right in! For example, one night I dreamed that the salt and pepper shaker were getting married and there she was, the bride in her salt holder and the little groom all peppery and nice.  Weird, huh?

But mama’s are even weirder and I’ll try to get her to tell me one so that I can blog it…

Meanwhile, it’s pretty dull around here.  Papa is watching the Napoli/Juventus game, our beloved Totti scored two goals today in the derby (Roma/Lazio game) but Roma only tied with Lazio, and mama is wracking her brain to try to help me be a bit more lucid and more engaging in my blogging, while all I want to do now that it’s winter is have a nice psychedelic snooze! And a little more kibble…I need energy!  You anthros can eat more chocolate when it’s cold, but not us kitties.


I’ll have more news tomorrow about what happens in a small French town in the dead of winter when there are NO tourists around and the trees are bare and the tramontane (heavy duty wind) blows in from mountains and the shops close and the new mayor hasn’t cleaned out the huge drainage system that keeps the town from being under water in a storm and so everyone is on the edge of revolt.  Captivating stuff, right?


Under that boue (which is mud, now solidified into cement!) there is a huge grill that lets water drain through and run off into the sea–but the grills are soldered as of two years ago and so cannot be removed without major machinery and if we have a BIG rain as we did a few months ago (the one that caused this), our little town will drown.)

But seriously, folks, winter is winter, and I’ll see what news I can drum up around here to keep you involved!


As you can see, I am VERY involved in my bed covers…