Posted by on May 2, 2015 | 4 comments



(Photo from AFP)
Well, I was really not happy with the school here in France that sent a young Muslim girl home because of her long skirt.

The laïcité policy of the French government, which maintains the separation of church and state did not seem to hold at thi particular school, and the girl was sent home twice.

Here is my question: Just what are the schools going to do when the fashion evolves yet again into the wearing of long skirts? Are they going to send homr all young students who wear Mango or Desequal or any other designers’ skirts? Oh, boy, that’s going to cause a rukus.

Does this mean that Catholic students cannot wear crosses or St. Christopher medal or anything having to do with their religious choice? Perhaps the Irish students cannot wear green on St. Patrick’s Day!

Idiotic, all of it, in this kitty’s view. And nobody better tell me not to wear my smoking (tuxedo) because it offends someone’s view of what kitties ought to look like.

Can you just imagine—Hey that kitty over there is too dressed up and this is supposed to be Casual Friday! Get that kitty some Bermuda shorts and a tee shirt!

Why, when the government is supposed to keep its nose out of religious beliefs, doesn’t it DO that?


If I were an anthro at that school, I would ask all of my friends to wear long skrts the next day and then the school honchos would have to kick all the young women out together, haha.

Well, it would be a nice way to get a day off from school, no?


Well, I started to wear jeans for Casual Friday but it wore me out trying to put them on. Wrong size maybe…