Posted by on Aug 17, 2015 | 6 comments


MY picture on the box, right?

And I’m talkin’ turkey here (but not that November feathered gobbler kind).

Well, mama did some drawings for a dear friend who lives in a magic land called Breakfast Creek and she, mama, just received a gazillion thank-yous with my little mug all over them (well, most of them): a tiny pill box (with my face, of course), a lovely scarf (more of my portrait on that, too), a crazy, funny book about massaging your CAT (well, I get Trager and Shiatsu, you name it, just not Rolfing, thank you very much) and another fascinating book about a cat’s life that I’ve just begun to peruse, so more on that later even if the main character is a Maltese Blue (haven’t met many of those, actually, but hope springs eternal).


By Alice M. Brock of Alice’s Restaurant!

Which is just to say that mama loved drawing for her friend and did not wish any thanks except to see her friend’s new book, when published, but even I can see that mama is very, very happy with her new presents, especially, of course, because they are all related to ME, Loulou, and how could she not like that?


Hand-hemmed (whatever that means, but mama is gaga over that)

Thank you, dear friend, for giving mama constant reminders of you and of my illustrious presents in her life, no typo intended…


After massage…

Footnote for a reader who wants the cold zucchine soup recipe–so good for hot summers:

2 large zucchine, chopped coarse

1 sweet onion, chopped coarse

Chicken broth

Juice of a lemon

A 2 by 2-inch piece of very soft cheese, such as tomme or jack (in France they use La Vache Qui Rit, a small, wrapped cheese with which a lot of French women cook to add body and flavour)

1 ripe avocado

Chopped mint or basil

In a saucepan, put the squash and onion and cover with broth. Bring to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes until soft. Let cool. In the bowl of a food processor, put the squash and onion mixture with the broth and add the soft cheese, the juice of the lemon and the ripe avocado.  Chill well and serve with chopped mint or basil on top of each portion.