Posted by on Feb 5, 2016 | 6 comments

Well, mama and papa came back with photos of where they had been yesterday, a place called the Foundation Maeght, where Matisse and Bonnard and Sam Francis and Giacometti and Miró and many others’ works are displayed in a very large space among lovely pine trees.  I really loved this guy named Henk Visch who, it seems to me, sees anthros in a very charming and unusual way.  These are his sculptures:






Guess which one is my favourite.

HAH! You guessed it. The guy sleeping!


And because it was such a day of creativity, mama wanted to put in a link for this lady’s very interesting site that tells you how to build really great things for your kitties.  With a few cardboard boxes, scissors, some non-toxic glue and a few more items, we kitties can have amazingly fun things to romp around in.

I’m not sure mama is up for this, but I’m nudging her toward our tool drawer…

But I don’t want to bend HER out of shape!