Posted by on Aug 9, 2016 | 8 comments


Me, waving…

Which means in French, See you soon, and in Italian, Let’s hear each other soon.  Interesting, no?  But Italian is such fun.  I love it that people ‘hear’ each other instead of see you later.

Besides, it really means whatever you wish it to, as in, maybe I’ll see you later and maybe I’ll just not make contact because both of us know that we really don’t want to go out of our ways to do that and it was great fun, but it was just one of those things, and so on and so forth, but in the end, we really MAY get together, depending on our respective moods. WHEW.  But that’s what it means, and I didn’t make that up.

BUT…I choose to say a bientot to all of you out there with your wonderful blogs because I really DO wish to see you later (as in tomorrow, duh) and so for me a bientot works perfectly.  Now, if you translate THAT literally, it means “at the good early”…go figure.  Which means let’s see one another as soon as is possible because we really WANT to make contact soon.

Oh, well, the truth is that THEY are taking us all to that rumbling thing that goes on water this evening and then tomorrow I will be in MY GARDEN!

Along with some tomatoes, mama says.  Hey, I’m a pretty cute tomato myself, no?  Just kidding.  I would NOT make a good pasta sauce, haha.


I mean, you don’t see ears and a tail on this pan, do you?


Hey, am I on the boat yet?


Hey, are there two of me on the boat yet?


Now if I can just pull my curtain so I can sleep WITHOUT BEING BOTHERED ALL THE TIME.