Posted by on Dec 9, 2015 | 6 comments


Well, I never!!! First it’s a Chihuahua and now it’s a polar bear!  Right in the middle of the Corso, one of the main shopping streets of Rome!  What is mama going to find next?  Actually, it was papa who said, “Wow, you have to get over there and take a picture” to mama and she thought at first that it was real and so she sort of sidled up to the giant white thing in the street and saw that everyone was taking its photo and so she just jumped in, too.

Pretty nifty bear, no?

People were steering clear of the back of him, not to mention the front.

At least I think it was a boy bear.  Who can tell?

Don’t answer that.  Mama sort of looked but there was nothing….



And then the bear said, “Ciao! Buon natale a tutti!” And mama gave him a little pat on the po-po and left with papa to shop for the rest of the gifts she hasn’t yet found.

Kind of a nice thing to find on the street, no?

Oh, me? I was at home, doing what I do best.


Wrapping presents, haha!
