Posted by on Mar 23, 2018 | 10 comments


Mama and papa–see what I could do to YOU if you keep visiting that Zouzi?

Well, even if papa DID come home from a little visit with exotic Zouzi-kitty perfume on his hands, and even if mama and papa were having a nice little aperos with good friends up the road and HAD to be polite to the resident kitty and show good manners, and even if mama took the time to do some photographing of said kitty, I will forgive and forget.

Especially the forget part.


I mean, is this just too hip or what?  Zouzi in her private chaise.

Just because a kitty can blend in with her own private designer chair and just because she happens to be one of the most beautiful kitties in the ‘hood and just because she is not only beautiful but has a loving and affectionate nature does NOT MEAN that she is to be visited ALOT and SNUGGLED and SCRATCHED under her chinny chin chin by MY mama and papa, right?

But, hey, I can kick back and see this as a one-shot event, and it probably won’t happen all the time and I won’t have to urge papa to go WASH HIS HANDS before he starts snuggling up to ME, and that’s about all I can do.  If you can’t beat ’em, go off somewhere when they are used to you entertaining them in front of the winter’s fire every evening and be ALOOF, whatever that is (sounds like Mya’s bark, haha) and do not EVER let THEM get the upper scratch.


(I know she posed for this just to RILE me.)

SO that’s my advice to you kitties whose mama or papa or both encounter a Bengal baby.  It’s an experience, I can tell you that.  I mean, those kitties aren’t just found around every corner, but I am GLAD we only have ONE in the neighbourhood or I’d have to leave home.

Hey, maybe I’ll paint a lot of white spots on my fur and be exotic, too!


Well, it’s not as easy as I thought!  And I hope mama finds the paintbrush somewhere in the bed…