Posted by on May 28, 2016 | 9 comments


Well, they exposed me to THAT DOGGY again, Mya. Yes, THAT one above looking so cutesy-pootsy.

She comes over here with her parents to dinner and wiggles around all over the place and when mama picks up a lemon that fell from our tree, she goes bananas, thinking it’s the tennis ball that mama throws for her sometimes and then mama get the ball and throws it and she practically eats the whole thing and her mama says, oh, boy, don’t let her get hold of THAT or she’ll rip it to shreds and eat it and then when she…well, let’s not go there.  And then she does some more adorable wiggles, back and forth, back and forth, and looks up winningly with her little darling muzzle grinning and then she looks at me as if, “HEY, are you going to pay attention to me or WHAT?” And then I look bored but actually I am a bit interested, having never seen another animal except the doggy next door and a couple of kitties who try to come into MY garden and I give them what for!!!





So then she runs back and forth, back and forth from the couch to her mama as if to say, “Hey, what’s with this Loulou that she won’t chase the tennis ball with me (or by now, the soccer ball–indestructible) and why is she so doggone STUCK UP?”


And I think, “Ha, ha, ‘doggone’, that’s a good one, Mya, but I don’t tell her because then she’d think I was thinking about playing with her, which I’m NOT, but sort of.  I want her to play with MY toys, but she couldn’t give a farthing.”



More cute wiggling and wagging.

Then she actually FOLLOWS me around the living room trying for a face-off, and I let her, because, well, I love attention.


Maybe on the next visit we’ll reach new heights of friendship and I’ll actually let her up on the couch to hang with me.

In your dreams, Mya.


CIAO! AU REVOIR! See you soon…haha.


