Posted by on Sep 9, 2016 | 16 comments


Well, this photo is of mama holding her sopping wet BEST hat that she has had for forty years and covets the way she covets ME and PAPA (and certainly she would not let US drown, right) was taken after she got home from her ordeal.   There she was, blithely walking home from the market with her caddy full of goodness, and trying to keep upright in these heavy duty winds that blow all of us right off the street often (not to mention wreaking havoc on hair, as mama says daily), and on the little bridge that crosses over to the walkway around our little town’s chateau, the wind decided to whisk mama’s hat right off her head (she had NOT put it on tightly!) and into the canal that runs from the sea and under the bridge, where it stops and where the ducks swim up to rest.

Mama panics, of course, sees two our-version-of-Navy-seals commandos walking by and they are oblivious to a damsel in distress and all the people on the bridge are just enjoying the event and doing NOTHING and mama runs across the bridge and down the ramp leading to the water and sees that her hat is moving slowly, slowly toward the shallow part and she kicks off her shoes, making sure they are NOT in the line of tide that is bringing in the hat and could take her shoes next (!) and sees that if she goes into that shallow water that there is a slippery sliding part that could possibly break both her legs and so she wades in and STOPS and then begins cupping up water and pulling it toward her to encourage the MEDITERRANEAN SEA to get that water to come toward her and not take her prized hat out to some anthro on a boat that picks it up and is THRILLED to have a hat of all hats and wonders (not too seriously) just where the owner is?

So that’s what happened.

But mama has lost faith in our HUGE commandos who trot all over our little ville looking as if they could take on the Huns singe-handed.  If they cannot rescue a HAT, what good are they anyway?

Now if I had been there, I would have jumped in and swum to the hat and put it in my little teeth and brought it back toute de suite!



“Oh, Loulou, you are so sweet to think of doing that!”

(Mama, I said MAYBE…)