Posted by on May 3, 2023 | 11 comments

I am hanging out on my new clean linen sheets…It’s a cat’s life. And no one is BOTHERING ME!

Well, mama has found a new little vegetable shop near where mama and papa stay and mama is in hog heaven, whatever that is. And I do understand seeing the little (big!) grandkids, as they are evidently lots of fun, just like me.

Here is mama’s idea of fun, haha.

Hogs would certainly have fun here, haha.

The young woman in the back is paring fresh artichokes, mama’s favorite vegetable. Mama has made fried artichoke slivers, artichoke sauce for pasta, artichokes a la romana – baked with a mint called mentucia, a stronger mint than the normal one, and an artichoke salad with slivers of parmesan, olive oil and lemon.

I’d say mama has a chokehold on these thistles, haha.

Papa’s son and son’s mamma who is fast friends with mama.

Papa’s son’s daughter

Papa’s son’s son, grandchild with sweet friend.

Here’s what mama made after the vegetable stop:

Eggplant, sweet onion, garlic, zucchine, artichokes, tomatoes, all sliced thin and tossed with a liberal amount of olive oil, salt and peppr, juice and the zest   of a lemon, then baked in a medium hot oven, 375F/185C, for 45 minutes until caramelized.

Mama sent this to my post so you would know what the dish looks like before its finish, about 20 minutes more in the oven.

My post disappeared yesterday into cyberspace but all the photos were in media library, thank cod.

So today I will say Olay! Cinco de mayo day