Posted by on Jun 27, 2015 | 6 comments

 Well, you’ve seen this, but it’s the best I have for this day!



I just have to ask a few question today that perhaps many, especially those in the Republican party and its candidates for 2016, do not think to ask themselves.

When will those opposed to rights for gay human beings realize that being gay is genetic. That humans are born gay or tall or short or olive-skinned or blue-eyed or brown-eyed or with high or low metabolisms and millions of other traits that are in their dna.  When will the word “gay” disappear from our language and simply be another variety of human being that makes up our miraculous world?

And when will those who assume that we all believe in a god, specifically THEIR god, realize that there are many, many humans who do NOT believe in god or any higher being and that the assumption (always a mistake) that being gay is an act against THEIR god is possibly one of the most ignorant assumptions that a thinking human being can make?  But evidently a lot of human beings do not think at all.

Religion includes many gods, yet every religion assumes that ITS god is the right one; that ITS god is the all-powerful; that ITS belief system should be everyone’s belief system.  How incredibly arrogant and dangerous is this kind of thinking.  ISIS feels the same way.  We should all worship the way they feel we should and that during Ramadan, the holiest of times in the Muslim world, Muslims should carry out acts of violence against the infidels because there will be more rewards in heaven (wherever that is) if done during the holy week.

Can you imagine?  What a world.  And we are not contributing to a better world by insisting that my god is better than your god and therefore you should not be gay.  What idiocy.

Has all intelligence completely disappeared from the minds of those in anti-gay groups who insist that being gay is a choice?

Hurrah for Mr. Kennedy in the Supreme Court.  I salute you and all others who realize that we Americans have civil rights that cannot be taken away.  The Supreme Court has just added a new one.
