HURRAH! Kitties in love, same-sex kitties, you are free to go forth together. But multiply…maybe not yet. We French kitties can stop worrying about whether we have to hide our love for partners we have chosen, and I, for one, am thrilled that those protests of several hundred thousand in the streets of many French cities were pushed aside by the decision to allow us kitties to choose whomever we wish to marry. Of course, I don’t want to marry anyone, because I LOVE my freedom (but of course…I’m ‘fixed’ so the idea is moot–we kitties have other problems, as in not having enough reasoning to control our wild desires so our caring parents have to do it for us; but that’s okay–we are not humans, after all–yet some humans, even with access to birth control, seem to be unable to stop having litters, and so if good people want to take on rejected kittens, that’s a real plus!).
What I don’t understand is that an individual gay kitty can adopt a little kitten, but a same-sex kitty couple cannot adopt. I’m sure there will be more controversy on this as the debate goes on. But if you really think about it logically, hetero-couples who cannot have kids adopt all the time. What’s the difference if a caring mama and papa are gay and wish to adopt a child who has no parents?
I’ve lolled on my piano stool when mama and papa have company, and I’ve heard arguments against same-kitty sex that just don’t make sense to me. Most of those arguing against same-sex marriage (yes, mama and papa know some of those, which makes for lively conversation at that table, I can tell you) appear to me not so much to be economically upset as to be morally upset. And I’m suspicious, too, of religious groups who are against gay marriage, because it is clear that the tenets of a particular religion (marriage is only to make kittens, perpetuate the race, etc.) are threatened by gay marriage and might just have to be changed to embrace the millions of human beings who are not born heterosexuals but instead are gay or bi-sexual. Just think for a moment about how many hundreds and hundreds of different kinds of kitties there are in the world–every color and size, some heterosexual and others not. The X and Y chromosomes are powerful determinants, even in the animal world. A little of this here, a little of that there and one’s sex life is what it is at birth and should be embraced by all since it is so clearly an integral part of the ongoing development of the human race. It’s not exactly as if love among same sex humans started yesterday!
Goodness, read your history, people.
I”ve asked mama to pull up the National Geographic article on same-sex behavior among animals on her computer, because while she is out, I read stuff on that weird TV screen, so I’ll have more views on this later, but meanwhile, the French government has my vote–as soon as they let gay couples adopt.
Go, Hollande!