Posted by on Aug 28, 2019 | 10 comments








You think I look mad?  You haven’t SEEN MAD!!!

Well, when they go away, I get a little miffed, but instead of being crazy mad and going out to rip up the tomato plants or worse (I couldn’t do that because Mya love cherry tomatoes, so you get it…), I take it all out on my toys.








First  I  bite my nana.







Then I go at what appears to be a fake mouse, but who knows?  I just want to bite whatever it is.








Then I chew on what passes for some sort of fuzzy rodent with no name.







Then I kick the $@$%!! out of those silly feather things that lie around all over the house, just askin’ for it.







Totally frustrated with all of the above, I try in vain to tear down whatever this white thing is, which does NOT want to move.







Finally, exhausted, I realize that I forgot…they’re coming back tonight.

All that ire for nothing.  So it goes…