Posted by on Aug 2, 2018 | 15 comments


HEY, cool video!

Well, mama’s good friend, papa’s ex, sent mama a darling video of animals who ordinarily would not be hugging one another, and mama was all touched and sniffly over its cuteness and then papa said, “Did you know that there is a HUGE market for sweet videos of animals who normally would tear each other’s throats out but who are trained to be all cuddly and warm together instead?”

And mama said, “WHAT?  TRAINED?  You mean that tiger doesn’t really LIKE that bear in real life but is just acting? And that little kitty would just as soon EAT that iguana?”

Oh, boy.


And I couldn’t find the video papa’s ex sent so just put in another cute one.

Well, here’s food for thinking. I really enjoyed this lady’s video and evidently she is famous and has lots of really good videos with text that she writes and her partner films.  Love her take on dogs and kitties!

It’s so nice to find an articulate video maker with so many good subjects!

Right now I’m going out in the garden to see if that lizard will let me rub on it…


Uh, I am hoping that this is NOT indicative of the lizard in our garden. Yikes.

I don’t think he need a hug today…