Kitty blog or not, I/we cannot ignore the horrors in Pittsburg, the shooting and wounding of innocent worshipers, the insanity of one hate-filled being, the devastation of so many families and friends, how can this keep happening over and over and over and over in our beloved country, along with pipe bombs in mailboxes from a Trump supporter?
You are free as always to stop reading political opinions, but this kitty cannot turn deaf ears to what’s happening over and over again.
Everyone suffers. The headlines do not a kindly, uplifting day make for any of us who reads.
Let me just say that when a day begins in tears all too often, we are not enhancing our lives in a healthy way. My kitty tears fall for us all.
You know, the non Trump suppurrters are just as bad, they just don’t get repurrted on in the same way. Trump has been and is good fur this country and ifin the haters would stop fur a minute and be honest, they’d see that. He’s not the one separatin’ this country, it’s the liberal news and peeps like Soros and the sore losers. America is, was and will be great again. Why, should we allow peeps from a third world country to come into ours and try to turn us into them? Ifin they like their way of life so much, why do they want to come here? Yes, this violence makes us sad, but it’s not just Trump suppurrters purr-petuatin’ it. (We’re not Republicans, by the way) We hope and purray you all are well. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Everyone has an opinion, but fake news is a REAL blight that is happening now, and created daily by those who are very good at making fake news on the social network to stir up anger and hatred. Facts are facts. The fake news experts have been the cause of more hatred in this country than any other entity. One must watch ALL news stations in order to glean the truth.
Will it ever end????
A good question…the solutions may be closer than we imagine, but very hard to see.
LouLou, I must add, in counterpoint, that you and Ralphe, having discussions in which you disagree so strongly, are setting an example of how, even with great differences of opinion, we should be able to disagree and still be civil (I had to translate Ralphe’s comments, just so he knows !) I tip my hat to you both !
Not sure how civil the comments were, and Ralphe is a female, for the record. I thought she was a he at first, too, but learned that the name can be for females, too. Meanwhile, we can agree to disagree. Thanks for the hat tip, Mary.
My apologies to Ralphe. One of my favorite uncles was Uncle Ralph so I have a preconception.
Well, it is an interesting name, but with the ‘e’on the end, it’s female.
No problem. I am used to being called Mister.
Thank you for your positive comment.
Mary, this is for you.
WELL, Loulou – this goes to show (and we knew all along) that one should NEVER elect a president who doesn’t love animals. There’s part of their heart and soul that’s missing. And anyone on the campaign trail who mocks people with disabilities? And after elected puts migrant children in “cages” separating them from their parents and spews hate and violence? Oops – mama grabbed the computer right outta my paws and went on a rant. But Loulou – we must NEVER vote for a president who doesn’t have a cat or a dog. hmmmmm President Loulou has a nice ring to it?
I think Magnificent Mya rings better. That is such a good point—no love for animals means it’s maybe hard to love at all.
I was very sad to hear of this. And sad that it happens so often , actually that it happens at all. XO
But it happens more frequently lately…
Loulou does this happen where you live with the same alarming frequency that it does here in the US? It is shocking and terrible every time it happens and it does seem that those who are inclined to commit these terrible acts are emboldened by the harsh rhetoric we hear almost every single day. So terribly sad. Perhaps if the world was run by kitties???
No, it does not happen here. It seems that Europeans are more civilized, and there are no guns!!! They are horrified at our gun culture and our medical non-care and our families who are so split apart and yet, there are isolated incidents, but not as there are in the US.
Please Loulou, do not utter such nonsense.
True, in France we do not have guns. I mean, the normal citizen. But the thugs do own guns of all kinds, kalachnikov being their favourite.
And actually, chez nous, many killers don’t need a gun since they prefer knives, even trucks as in Nice. Your good friend Mya, living in that city, should recall 14th July 2016 when so many were killed or injured by a guy driving his truck over the crowd gathered for the festivities.
And what about those two unfortunate young girls, cousins, meeting at gare St-Charles in Marseille and savagely murdered by another of those fanatics who hate France ?
Now, our so-called “president” does own a dog, Nemo.
You cannot possibly compare the violence in the US to violence in Europe. And you don’t think guns are at the root of our horrendous killings every MONTH, every DAY in the US? True, ONE thing happened in Nice, ONE thing.
We have had buildings attacked with planes, racial violence on a daily basis, children shot in schools….
And what are we trying to do—compare violence-es? Let’s not do that. Children here do NOT fear going to school and we walk in the streets of Rome at midnight with a thousand others…
Vous êtes complètement à côté de la plaque.
Premièrement, les armes à feu ne tirent pas toutes seules. Elles sont activées par des malades mentaux, ou des haineux, ou des antisémites haineux, ou des têtes brûlées, que sais-je encore.
Vous dites que les enfants n’ont pas peur d’aller à l’école. Parlez-vous des enfants romains ou des enfants français ? Parce qu’en France, l’école n’est plus un lieu sûr. A tel point que le gouvernement veut mettre des policiers dans les écoles pour protéger élèves et professeurs.
Vous semblez faire très bon marché de ce qui s’est passé à Nice. C’est moche.
Et vous ne pouvez accuser Donald Trump d’avoir fomenté l’attentat horrible du 11 septembre 2001.
Je vous l’accorde, il y a certainement plus d’attentats aux USA qu’en France, mais la taille de nos deux pays n’est pas comparable.
En France la violence et la criminalité de ces dernières années incombe essentiellement à l’islam.
Normalement, nous ne pouvons dire cela, sous peine d’être taxés de racisme. Et bien je le répète, l’islam en France est un fléau.
Si ce n’est pas indiscret, pourquoi avez-vous quitté “your beloved country ?”
Thank you for your comment.
My own house is actually run by my two doggies and three kitties.
It works well.
We all seem to have a good time.
Oh, you are so lucky to have so many!
It is horrific. Sadly, the amount of caring that I am seeing online in reference to the horrific massacre in Pittsburgh is scant to say the least. Why? Because the victims were Jewish. I can say it, because I am Jewish. Have to bite my tongue in reference to what I would like to say. (in reference to our World). Thank you for caring.
Oh, I hope that’s not true, but yes, much of the change in response could be because of that, or simply because too many are inured to violence and simply don’t care any longer becauseit happens so often. Horrible thought. But yes, it was racial, and yes, anti-Semites are part of any problem! They are usually anti-black, anti-gay, anti-anything that is not part of tight and narrow belief system.
My kitty tears flow, too. It is so-o sad how violent humans can be. I think there are a lot of people that are “wound to tight” in the world and/or that suffer from mental illnesses that need treatment. Hugs to the families who have lost their loved ones.
And how long will these horrible actions keep happening? It happened with GUNS. Absurd that we need guns to live our lives. Absurd.
We agree, many sad and mad events happen too often these days. Purrs
But do they happen where YOU are?
I have to agree, there are a lot of awfully sad and deranged people out there that make life a misery for so many others. The world truly needs change. The world needs more love and cats…..
Purrs for all those that are affected by such atrocities
Oh, thank you, kitty witty Erin, you are so wise and the card was adorable.